News Release For Immediate Release April 10th, 2017 Contact: Carrie Hamblen, CEO/President Las Cruces Green Chamber of Commerce 575-323-1575
LAS CRUCES— Non-profits needing resources, guidance, information, referrals, Board training and great networking opportunities now have a central location with the Las Cruces Green Chamber of Commerce. The Green Chamber is launching their pilot program, the Non-Profit Support and Success Program, in May. This program provides area non-profits with valuable resources that will help them improve and enhance their operations, management, Board development and financial sustainability.
The program will offer confidential one-to-one mentoring and coaching along with specialized training and workshops – all provided at no cost. Additional expertise for legal advice, assistance in understanding finances, website design or update, HR/personnel issues and other concerns will be available on a limited, cost sharing basis.
The opportunities provided through this program will coincide with events and talks already offered by the Green Chamber, including the First Friday workshops with WESST and the monthly Green Drinks Networking nights. Green Chamber CEO/President Carrie Hamblen says, “We are really excited about this program and are very pleased to offer incredible services to our local non-profits. These services will help them become stronger, serve their clients and supporters better, and create opportunities to work together.” She adds, “By having Nancy Barnes-Smith as the Program Coordinator, we are able to offer over 30 years expertise, experience, and knowledge to help our non-profits with much needed information and resources.”
For more information about our Non-Profit Support and Success program or to sign up now, please contact Nancy Barnes-Smith, Program Coordinator at 575-993-4085 or email her at: More information can also be found at This program is made possible by funding from the McCune Foundation.