Are you a Sustainable Business? We want to Recognize You!
When we got our blue residential recycling bins a few years ago, we were ecstatic that we finally had single stream recycling for our homes. Except for glass, which can be dropped off at the big, yellow containers at the recycling centers at Motel Blvd and on Roadrunner), the ability to recycle the cardboard, plastics, aluminum, and more really cut down on the amount of garbage that was picked up every week.
The notion of reducing waste by increasing your recycling was the seed for the Recycling Recognition Program that the Las Cruces Green Chamber, in partnership with the New Mexico Recycling Coalition, started a few years ago. In the spirit of the Triple Bottom Line of People, Planet, and Profit, we are happy to announce the Las Cruces Green Chamber is re-launching the program as the “Sustainable Business Recognition Program.”
The purpose of this program is two-fold: 1. To recognize local businesses that are reducing their waste and purchasing goods and services in the community; and 2. To help our local businesses understand the various and creative ways to cut waste, reduce energy costs, keep money in the community, and support spending money at other locally-owned businesses.
As a result of the hard work of our Green Committee, the recognition program involves a little thinking and calculating on behalf of the business in order to evaluate how much you recycle, reuse, repurpose, and refurbish. It also will take a little time to calculate how much your business spends at other local businesses. But, I can guarantee, it will be time well spent. I certainly have gained a great appreciation for what our local businesses are doing to reduce their carbon footprint.
What we have learned from past recognitions is that a business can actually SAVE money when they reduce their waste by recycling and reusing. For example, one of the past recognition winners, SunPower by Positive Energy, recycles their aluminum cans and has an end of year party with the money the make. They also use ceramic mugs instead of plastic cups, hand towels instead of paper towels, and of course, they have solar panels on their building.
Other businesses that have participated in our program, like Let Them Eat Cake, the Community Enterprise Center, Mountain View Market Co Op, Sunspot Solar, Las Cruces Academy, and Attorney Melissa J. Reeves, have recycle bins on site, print on both sides of paper, recycle their printer cartridges, buy materials in bulk, implemented a “Green Team,” and more. It’s exciting to see the enthusiasm our local businesses have for being true examples of People, Planet, and Profit.
If you would like to nominate your business for this program and recognition, go to and click on the Sustainable Business Recognition Program. Fill out the online form as best you can so our judges will have a clear picture of all of your efforts. All nominees will be recognized and top-level achievers will be selected for further recognition. This will be an annual program that aims to encourage more businesses to reduce their waste and buy recycled goods, build value and raise awareness for businesses that do recycle and reduce their waste, and spend their hard-earned money at other local businesses. Let’s celebrate our businesses that are working hard to reduce what they put in the landfills and create strong local economies!
Deadline for nominations is January 31st, 2017. Businesses will be recognized at the LCGCC Annual Membership Meeting in April.
Carrie Hamblen is the CEO/President of the Las Cruces Green Chamber of Commerce. For more information contact Carrie at or at 575-323-1575.